Cody Wilson
Radim is the attorney-at-law and proud implementer of parallel polis ideas. In 2017, he co-founded Blockchain Legal, the first and only Czech law firm with comprehensive expertise in the crypto industry and blockchain solutions. He actively participated in Paralelní Polis in Prague, in 2019 as the core member in charge of the Institue of Cryptoanarchy.

Mr. Bayraktar, Mrs. HIMARS & St. Javelin: Who will be who in EU Crypto Regulation War?
Cody Wilson
This year European Union finally approved a set of legislation headed by the most famous MiCA (Regulation on Markets in Crypto Assets). It will provide a complex regulatory framework for crypto assets for the first time since the invention of Bitcoin. Its aim is crystal-clear: Make the crypto industry a heavily regulated financial sector.
Studio 2 - Slévárna