Fadi Elsalameen
Fadi Elsalameen, an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Bitcoin Policy Institute. Fadi Elsalameen is also an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the American Security Project. Previously Elsalameen was a Fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and a Fellow at the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation. Elsalameen is an advocate for Human rights, democracy, and anti-corruption with a special focus on bitcoin and crypto as a tool for freedom.

Panel: Bitcoin & Human Rights: How Your Code Can Save The World
Obi Nwosu, Fadi Elsalameen, Lydumyla Kozlovska, Jaroslav Likhachevsky, Bota Jardemalie
A panel with Human right defenders and their personal experience with the loss of privacy and bitcoin
Studio 2 - Slévárna