Bitcoin's last shot: The peer to peer economy
09-30, 13:00–13:45 (Europe/Prague), Studio 2 - Slévárna

The meaning of words is distorted. “Inflation”, “unhosted wallets”, “virtual assets”. And also Bitcoin - represented by account balances in centralized custodians. What are the different forms of Bitcoin, what are it’s features and what will be it’s last shot?

The meaning of words is distorted. “Inflation”, “unhosted wallets”, “virtual assets”. And also Bitcoin - represented by account balances in centralized custodians. What are the different forms of Bitcoin, what are it’s features and what will be it’s last shot?

Juraj Bednár is a serial entrepreneur and founder of Progressbar, Paralelná Polis, Hacktrophy. He wrote several books, his latest one being "Cryptocurrencies – hack your way to a better life". He creates on-line courses and content about privacy, crypto and entrepreneurship.

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