10-01, 14:00–14:45 (Europe/Prague), Studio 2 - Slévárna
We like to show the release of the WebUI for RaspiBlitz v1.8.0 and discuss the future of the Bitcoin & Lightning full node project.
RaspiBlitz is a Bitcoin & Lightning full node focused on open source & community development. With our recent release of version 1.8.0 we introduced the long awaited WebUI to allow setup & management of the node thru a web browser. We like to show the new features and discuss how the community can join the future development for programmers but also non-programmers.
Co-Organizer of the the FULMO Lightning Hackdays & the Lightning Conference. Maintainer & LeadDev of the RaspiBlitz project. Long time member of the Berlin Bitcoin Meetup - formely at Room77