Setting up a community bank with Fedimint (Workshop)
09-30, 15:00–16:30 (Europe/Prague), Institute of Cryptoanarchy

Fedimint is a new way to onboard communities to Bitcoin. The protocol provides cheap, fast and private-by-default transactions and is interoperable with Lightning. The workshop will show you how to setup a Fedimint community bank on Bitcoin with your friends.

Fedimint is a new way to onboard communities to Bitcoin. The protocol provides cheap, fast and private-by-default transactions and is interoperable with Lightning.

Any group of at least 4 people can form a Fedimint federation and become the federation's Guardians. The Guardians run the Fedimint server software and by doing so ensure the correct functioning of the system and the safety of user funds. Even if single Guardians (up to a certain threshold) go offline or become malicious the system keeps functioning correctly.

In the workshop we will help you set up Fedimint federations on a local Bitcoin regtest network and demonstrate how funds can be transferred between them. Once Fedimint becomes more stable you will be able to use that knowledge to run Fedimints in your own community or tribe. Please bring a laptop with Linux installed to follow along. Having Nix installed is also useful.

elsirion is a Crypto-Anarchist and aspiring Cypherpunk developing mostly on Rust and researching cryptography and distributed systems with the goal of making Bitcoin more private and accessible at the same time. He is interested in everything that enhances personal freedom.