Cypherpunk Suprajurisdictions against the Nation-State
09-30, 14:00–14:45 (Europe/Prague), Studio 1

The sanctions of Tornado Cash has implications for base layer neutrality & open source developers which threatens the utility of crypto. I propose introducing a concept of sovereignty to crypto networks and outline and an approach in competing with the State.

The sanctions of Tornado Cash has implications for base layer neutrality & open source developers which threatens the utility of crypto. I propose introducing a concept of sovereignty to crypto networks and outline and an approach in competing with the State.
In Cypherpunk Supra-jurisdictions against the Nation State, we'll cover the implications of sanctioning open source technology, touch upon the US Infrastructure Bill & Patriot Act giving rise to the US Super-jurisdiction and contrast that against self-sovereign crypto-networks.
We'll discuss how we're positioned to leverage these networks and Institutional Economics to create voluntaryist social orders that can achieve a greater legitimacy than the nation-state, yet also offer competitive governing services to under-serviced citizens with access to the net.
This talk is a call for a return to our Cypherpunk roots. We can create a civilization of the mind in cyberspace. May it be more humane and fair than the world governments.

Jarrad came to Bitcoin early 2011 through agorism, counter-economics & crypto-anarchy, seeing that Bitcoin could operate a monetary policy in a hostile environment, he began to view public blockchains as a voluntary social order, one that didn't depend on a monopoly of violence.