Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis 2023

How to leave the system (while staying in one place) - a guide for EU residents
09-29, 14:00–14:45 (Europe/Prague), Slévárna

A practical guide to opt out of the system for EU citizens - what to do with your problematic:

  1. EU Tax slavery.
  2. EU Mandatory health insurance.
  3. EU company.
  4. EU Bank account and mobile operator.

Pavol is a cryptoanarchist & voluntaryists focused on technology and society hacking. IT security guy, founder of IT security hacking companies (Nethemba, Hacktrophy) & contemporary art (Satori). Co-founder of Bratislava’s and Prague’s hackerspaces (Progressbar & PP). Member of Czech contemporary anti-government artistic group Ztohoven. Responsible for many anti-government & digital privacy projects.

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