Pizza Day Prague 2024

Simplicity: Futuristic, Versatile, Secure
05-19, 11:00–12:50 (Europe/Prague), Institute of Cryptoanarchy

Simplicity is a language to express spending conditions of coins. It replaces Bitcoin script and enables basically every scaling solution in existence. Simplicity's runtime is formally verified, which raises the bar for security on Bitcoin. You can build a lot while not burning your bitcoin in the process.
Let's see how Rust devs can write Simplicity using Simfony, a new high-level language. Let's run Simfony on your laptop / phone using the new web IDE. The future is now!

Christian is a researcher at Blockstream, where he mainly works on Simplicity. He builds tools and teaching materials around their research projects. Zero-knowledge proofs, cryptography, and mathematics are topics he finds interesting because they are not what they seem on the surface.