Pizza Day Prague 2024

From pizza token to conservative asset: How Bitcoin became the last thing you can own
05-18, 13:00–13:45 (Europe/Prague), Studio 1

The famous pizza transaction was at the time when Bitcoin was pure gambling. But a speculation? We are all speculating with almost every decision we do. People dismiss Bitcoin because of volatility, but volatility and risk are not the same thing. A guide through assets your bankers try to sell you and why only a gambler would want them… And how to turn Bitcoin into the most conservative asset you can actually own.

Juraj is an educator, book author, coder, cryptoanarchist. He helps people turn off statism in their own heads and disconnect their brains from the hierarchies of the world. He is a co-founder of Paralelná Polis and author of the book Cryptocurrencies - Hack your way to a better life. Enjoyer of volatility, swimmer in uncertainty.