Cypherpunk, founder & host of the hele , Alexandra interviews founders, leaders and developers from around the globe. She has a solid understanding of emerging technologies including Bitcoin, and synthetic intelligence/machine learning (AI).
- Strength In Numbers
Founder of the World’s first Decentralized Autonomous University, Bittopia University. An advocate of decentralization, P2P economies, privacy, and bottom-up strategies. Netexplo UNESCO Grand Prix award winner, international speaker and educator.
- Re-claim Your Digital Privacy and Freedom (Workshop)
- Knowledge is Currency

As part of the forming Bitcoin community, Amir became an early Bitcoin developer, author of the BIP process, and the Libbitcoin implementation. With contributions to many free and open-source projects, he collaborated with Cody Wilson on launching Darkwallet and laid the foundations for OpenBazaar. Later, he spent nearly 2 years in the Rojava revolution, first for nearly 4 months fighting in the YPG and then working for the administration on economic projects. Today, Amir is focused on the DarkFi project, a network bringing anonymity to decentralized finance, and is still working towards building an agonistic revolutionary hacker movement.
- Intro to Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves (advanced workshop)
- DarkFi Early Ecosystem Intro (Workshop)
- Panel: Lunarpunk & Solarpunk

Chief scientist at Aztec network. Co-creator of the widely used PlonK zk-SNARK. Participated in the first production deploymnet of zero-knowledge proofs at Zcash.
- Zero knowledge proofs - from novice to master

Bota Jardemalie, a Harvard Law graduate, is a licensed attorney in the State of New York and a human rights defender from Kazakhstan. For years, she had defended the Kazakh opposition, political activists, human rights defenders and victims of torture. She advocates for Human rights, democracy, and the fight against corruption.
- Panel: Bitcoin & Human Rights: How Your Code Can Save The World

A passionate advocate for public internet access and a successful entrepreneur, Brewster Kahle has spent his career intent on a singular focus: providing universal access to all knowledge. He is the Founder and Digital Librarian of the Internet Archive, one of the largest libraries in the world. Soon after graduating from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he studied artificial intelligence, Kahle helped found Thinking Machines, a parallel supercomputer maker. In 1989, Kahle created the internet's first publishing system, Wide Area Information Server, later selling it to AOL. In 1996, he co-founded Alexa Internet, which helps catalog the web, and sold it to Amazon in 1999. The Internet Archive, which he founded in 1996, now preserves 99+ unique petabytes of data–the books, web pages, music, television, and software of our cultural heritage–and works with more than 950 libraries and university partners to create a digital library that is accessible to all.
- Publishers v. Internet Archive - The Last Shot Of Libraries? (remote talk)

Radim is the attorney-at-law and proud implementer of parallel polis ideas. In 2017, he co-founded Blockchain Legal, the first and only Czech law firm with comprehensive expertise in the crypto industry and blockchain solutions. He actively participated in Paralelní Polis in Prague, in 2019 as the core member in charge of the Institue of Cryptoanarchy.
- Mr. Bayraktar, Mrs. HIMARS & St. Javelin: Who will be who in EU Crypto Regulation War?

Daniela is a Bitcoin developer working mainly on wallets – she is now dedicated full time to BDK, a library for seamlessly building highly-customizable Bitcoin wallets.
- Life is short, Bitcoin is forever

Don is the founder of Philosopher Democracies (PhD) and has 37 years in IT as an independent Project Manager and consultant/contractor/instructor & advisor to Canadian federal, provincial and municipal governments, corporations and SMEs. Using his exposure to engineering and anthropology/psychology, he developed a niche career bridging the gap between business directors/management and technologists.
Don also spent 7 years as flight instructor for the Freedom Flight School that he started with his business partner which became the largest paragliding school in Canada.
- Hacking Democracy (and how to win WW3)

Maxim is a cypherpunk and a thinker designing - and building systems which can tolerate strong adversaries, including government-based. In 2018 together with the group of similar-minded people he started the project Pandora, which resulted in building privacy-based RGB smart contracts with zero knowledge. This year he will unleash the further development of the ideas from Pandora projects, including related to personal physical safety and building societies of a new form.
- Game of Drones: making sovereignty great again

As a contributor to the archaic Bitcoin Foundation, exiledsurfer has been a community builder in the ecosystem for quite some time. He is a privacy, transparency & decentralization CryptoRealist, and co-founder of Parallele Polis in Vienna.
- Panel: Bitcoin vs Normies In Suits
- Coercion and Compliance in Cryptocommunities

Fadi Elsalameen, an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Bitcoin Policy Institute. Fadi Elsalameen is also an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the American Security Project. Previously Elsalameen was a Fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and a Fellow at the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation. Elsalameen is an advocate for Human rights, democracy, and anti-corruption with a special focus on bitcoin and crypto as a tool for freedom.
- Panel: Bitcoin & Human Rights: How Your Code Can Save The World

Filip Dvorak is a Czech-American AI research scientist and entrepreneur focused on automated decision making and learning across continuous and symbolic domains. He has received his Ph.D. in AI at Charles University in Prague.
- Composite Artificial Intelligence - Bridging Intelligent Automation, Symbolic Reasoning, and Machine Learning

Grafton is a technical specialist at SatoshiLabs, utilizing years of blockchain experience and knowledge-gathering to provide customers with expert insight into the world of cryptocurrency. He develops technical guides and manuals for Bitcoin adopters, whilst ensuring that he stays ahead of the game in this ever-changing market. Whilst the sector may be dynamic, Grafton believes that Bitcoin will always remain an opportunity to protect individuality and freedom.
- Vexl: Mobile app for discreet bitcoin trading (Workshop)

Active in the Ethereum and decentralised storage space since 2015, started Fair data society initiative, currently serving as Swarm Foundation's director.
- No (digital) self without privacy
- Communication In A World Of Pervasive Surveillance (Remote Talk)

Janine is a privacy researcher and investigative journalist focused on Bitcoin and (counter)surveillance. Author of "This Month in Bitcoin Privacy" newsletter, a board member of Open Sats, and committee member for the CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium (C4).
- Blockchain Surveillance, Cyber Mercenaries, and Intelligence

Jaroslav Likhachevsky is a co-founder of Digital solidarity/BySol Foundation and director of the IT company Deepdee from Belarus. Bitcoin and USDT stablecoin, in particular, are used to deliver humanitarian aid in Belarus by Belarus civil society and opposition.
- Panel: Bitcoin & Human Rights: How Your Code Can Save The World

Jarrad came to Bitcoin early 2011 through agorism, counter-economics & crypto-anarchy, seeing that Bitcoin could operate a monetary policy in a hostile environment, he began to view public blockchains as a voluntary social order, one that didn't depend on a monopoly of violence.
- Cypherpunk Suprajurisdictions against the Nation-State

Jindrich is a Senior Cyber Threat Researcher working for Trend Micro.
Also, security data scientist known as 4n6strider.
The main focus of his research is the domain of cognitive warfare, (cyber) espionage and advanced persistent threats and manipulators.
- Counter inteligence: Defending against the cognitive warfare

elsirion is a Crypto-Anarchist and aspiring Cypherpunk developing mostly on Rust and researching cryptography and distributed systems with the goal of making Bitcoin more private and accessible at the same time. He is interested in everything that enhances personal freedom.
- Setting up a community bank with Fedimint (Workshop)

Juraj Bednár is a serial entrepreneur and founder of Progressbar, Paralelná Polis, Hacktrophy. He wrote several books, his latest one being "Cryptocurrencies – hack your way to a better life". He creates on-line courses and content about privacy, crypto and entrepreneurship.
- Bitcoin's last shot: The peer to peer economy
- Launch of the book "Cryptocurrencies - Hack Your Way To A Better Life"
- Panel: Bitcoin vs Normies In Suits
- Panel: Lunarpunk & Solarpunk

Cyborg Artist based in Barcelona.
Creator of the Cosmic Sense; which allows him to hear Cosmic Rays through bone conducted sound.
- Freedom of Perception thanks to Cybernetic Senses

Lea is a co-founder and CEO of Vexl, a mobile app that allows its users to buy and sell bitcoin as it was intended - peer-to-peer and without KYC. She is fascinated with parallel societies. Her inspiration is people who are not afraid to experiment and bring to life the most courageous ideas using the most original ways.
- Vexl: Mobile app for discreet bitcoin trading (Workshop)

Lydumyla Kozlovska is the Initiator of the establishment of the Open Dialogue Foundation. The organizer of international electoral observation missions and missions to monitor the observance of human rights in Ukraine, Georgia, and Kazakhstan.
- Panel: Bitcoin & Human Rights: How Your Code Can Save The World

Mário Havel is a chaos monkey, hacker, and researcher. He is trying to make the crypto ecosystem more efficient, free, and accessible. As a member of Paralelní Polis and co-founder of Bordel hackerspace, he educates about the tools of cryptoanarchy and spreads FOSS technologies and the parallel economy.
- Panel: Bitcoin vs Normies In Suits

Max Hampshire is Developer Relations Officer for Nym, and has previously worked as a DAO smart contract engineer, writer, and artist. He has a background in philosophy.
- Using and building on Nym: application and network level privacy for developers and cypherpunks

Miroslav Barta is a Czech archaeologist and egyptologist, author of the seven laws theory explaining how all civilisations develop through time, rise, peak, collapse, and transform.
- Seven Laws of Civilisations

San Francisco-based hacker and inventor, Chief Scientist and CEO of Cornfield Electronics
- Can Tech Serve Humanity?

Obi is the CEO of Fedi and a full time Bitcoin advocate for the mass adoption of Bitcoin in the “Global South”. He founded Coinfloor Bitcoin exchange, and holds board positions at ₿trust and Gridless mining
- Panel: Bitcoin & Human Rights: How Your Code Can Save The World
- Panel: Bitcoin vs Normies In Suits

parazyd is a free and open source software developer and advocate, and a co-founder of DarkFi. He has worked on privacy systems, mixnets, FOSS operating systems like Devuan and Maemo Leste, and most recently he is leading the development efforts in the DarkFi ecosystem.
- DarkFi - The Coming Storm

Paul Rosenberg is the author of the Free-Man’s Perspective newsletter and the co-founder of Cryptohippie. He is also the author of A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, Production Versus Plunder, and The Breaking Dawn. He is a co-author of The New Age of Intelligence.
- Who Are We Shooting At... And Why?

CEO at Pavel ŠIMON s.r.o., Liptovský Mikuláš Pavel-SIMON.com
The assistant professor at the University of Žilina, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology ias.uniza.sk
Editor of the information and analytical website about energy – energiaweb.sk
- Will the last shot be even digital? Energy as a tool of oppression, even renewable ones.

Wilder is a cryptoanarchist & voluntaryist focused on technology and society hacking. IT security guy, founder of IT security hacking companies (Nethemba, Hacktrophy), contemporary art (Satori), and Liberation.travel. Co-founder of Bratislava’s and Prague’s hackerspaces (Progressbar & Paralelní Polis). Member of Czech contemporary anti-government artistic group Ztohoven. Responsible for many anti-government & digital privacy projects.”
- Panel: Lunarpunk & Solarpunk
- The Global Opportunist's handbook - How and where best to decentralize

Peter Young is managing director of the Free Cities Foundation: an organization that supports autonomous regions of nation states that are looking to adopt freedom-oriented policies. His talk will explore parallel structures in governance as a pathway to freedom.
- Free Cities: Parallel Societies for Human Freedom

Philip R. Zimmermann is the creator of Pretty Good Privacy, an email encryption software package. Originally designed as a human rights tool, PGP was published for free on the Internet in 1991. This made Zimmermann the target of a three-year criminal investigation, because the government held that US export restrictions for cryptographic software were violated when PGP spread worldwide. Despite the lack of funding, the lack of any paid staff, the lack of a company to stand behind it, and despite government persecution, PGP nonetheless became the most widely used email encryption software in the world. After the government dropped its case in early 1996, Zimmermann founded PGP Inc. Since 2004, his focus has been on secure telephony for the Internet, developing the ZRTP protocol and creating products that use it, including Silent Phone and Zfone. Zimmermann is Co-founder of Silent Circle, a provider of secure communications services.
- Why Protecting Privacy With End-to-end Encryption Is Essential For National Security (Remote Talk)

Rachel-Rose O'Leary is a DarkFi core dev and writer.
- Lunarpunk and Anonymous DAOs
- Panel: Lunarpunk & Solarpunk

Co-Organizer of the the FULMO Lightning Hackdays & the Lightning Conference. Maintainer & LeadDev of the RaspiBlitz project. Long time member of the Berlin Bitcoin Meetup - formely at Room77
- RaspiBlitz 1.8.0 - WebUI & further Community Development

Ryan Lackey discovered the cypherpunks mailing list as a young teenager in the early 1990s, telephoned NSA to order the NCSC Rainbow Series of books, and became a true believer in cryptoanarchy and the power of cryptography to stand up to nation states and other oppressors. He's
- Technologies For Liberty vs. Technologies For Oppression
- How something as mundane as insurance can be a tool for societal good

Scott Beibin is an inventor, open source technologist, self taught engineer, vegan environmental activist and founder of many projects in the realm of ecologically regenerative systems, horizontal organization, and experiential arts production.
In addition to creating ecologically friendly technologies, he’s the Co-founder of the Evil Twin Booking agency (with Elizabeth-Jane Cole) representing and doing strategy for Pussy Riot, Boots Riley, Glenn Greenwald, Alex and Allyson Grey, Vandana Shiva and other public figures. He was the founder of the seminal 1990s DIY hardcore/punk label Bloodlink Records as well as founder of the touring Lost Film Festival from the 2000s. He currently serves as technical and strategic advisor for several decentralization tech projects.
His current projects include:
Mandelbot Ecotech
Groucho Fractal
- Mandelbot Ecotech (A design philosophy)

Revolutionary, anarchist, pagan. Counter-economics, Linux, Python.
Inspiration from Rojava revolution and historical examples of resistance. Exploring possibilities of alternative structures of people's economy, market analysis and philosophy. Code is power, power to the people!
- Anonymity as Self Defense

I'm a privacy educator who hosts the "Opt Out" podcast. I also contribute to the Monero project, a privacy-preserving cryptocurrency.
- Weaponizing cryptoanarchy with Monero

For a double dose of privacy. For a double dose of privacy.
- DarkFi Early Ecosystem Intro (Workshop)

Aging crypto anarchist, liking shady places and sketchy activities.
- Shuffle the Chessboard

Developer and co-maintainer of the Electrum Bitcoin Wallet.
- Challenges of modern Bitcoin light clients

Stellar Magnet has been in the DAO ecosystem since 2017, contributing to communities such as MolochDAO, AssangeDAO, BrightID, and Space Decentral. Currently she is catalyzing Black Sky, an emerging DAO (TAO) on a mission to minimize dystopia and maximize harmony with the cosmos.
- Transformative Autonomous Organizations: A new DAO subclass (Remote Talk)
- Panel: Lunarpunk & Solarpunk

IT solution architect
- Blockchain as a tool to improve democracy