PhD in post-quantum cryptography. Into Austrian economics and libertarian legal theory. Architect of Neptune, the scalable post-quantum anonymous peer-to-peer digital currency (1), and Triton VM, the recursive zk-STARK engine for Triton VM (2).
- Mutator Sets and their Application to Scalable Privacy

Alexis Roussel is Chief Operating Officer of Nym Technologies, the start-up solving the internet’s privacy crisis. Alexis is also the Co-Founder of Bity.com, a crypto-finance service provider in Switzerland. He holds a Masters in Technology Public Law and has served as an E-Governance Specialist for the United Nations, and was the President of the Pirate Party of Switzerland – aimed at promoting a human-centric and distributed approach of a technological society. He is the co-author of the book "Our precious digital integrity" promoting a novel fundamental right to the digital integrity of the human being.
- Right to digital integrity - a New Framework for Data Protection
Amin has been helping share the truth, freedom, and choice that Bitcoin and other decentralized systems have to offer since 2013, collaborating with and advising projects such as Storj, Wirex, Aave, Qtum, and many more. A bio-hacker, consultant, journalist, designer, and advisor, always looking to push the boundaries of what is possible.
Amin is now focused on teaching people about privacy and decentralization while building Bittopia University, to disrupt the education industry and create a fully decentralized university where students are incentivized for the successful acquisition of knowledge.
- Re-claim Your Digital Privacy and Freedom
- Holistic Anarchy

As part of the forming Bitcoin community, Amir became an early Bitcoin developer, author of the BIP process, and the Libbitcoin implementation. With contributions to many free and open-source projects, he collaborated with Cody Wilson on launching Darkwallet and laid the foundations for OpenBazaar. Later, he spent nearly 2 years in the Rojava revolution, first for nearly 4 months fighting in the YPG and then working for the administration on economic projects. Today, Amir is focused on the DarkFi project, a network bringing anonymity to decentralized finance, and is still working towards building an agonistic revolutionary hacker movement.
- DarkFi: Defining The Metaphysics of Markets
- Panel discussion | End of Empire and Rise of the Parallel Society
- Panel discussion | The Economics of Free Software

Neurotech 4 Paradise Engineering & human flourishing
::- neuroscientist, RC psychonaut, kinaesthetist, mettāmaniac -::
Decentralized Scientist
- Dissociated Biohacking

Bob Summerwill is Executive Director for the ETC Cooperative and has been working full-time on blockchain projects since late 2015. He worked on Ethereum and Hyperledger in earlier years, followed by a switch to Ethereum Classic and a belated Bitcoin orange-pilling. He has a growing interest in privacy projects.
- Jaded as Fuck

Calle is an open-source developer in the Bitcoin space. He believes that humanity can only be saved if we can restore the privacy and freedom of individuals in the age of the internet.
- Cashu – Chaumian Ecash in the wild

Chandran is an experienced software engineer specializing in embedded systems engineering. Having grown up in Auroville, an experimental town with idealistic aspirations, he has experience with the expectations and disappointments we encounter when idealism meets reality. Chandran aims to contribute to developing mesh networks on Bitcoin.
- Self Sovereign Communications Infrastructure?
- Lets build a mesh network on Bitcoin!

I'm a researcher at Blockstream, where I mainly work on Simplicity. I build tools and teaching materials around our research projects. Zero-knowledge proofs, cryptography and mathematics are topics I find very interesting because they are not what they seem on the surface.
- Getting to Know Zero-Knowledge

Cody is an American gun rights activist and crypto-anarchist. He is a founder and director of Defense Distributed, a non-profit organization that develops and publishes open-source gun designs, so-called "wiki weapons", suitable for 3D printing and digital manufacture.
- The Plastic Power
- Panel discussion | Dark Athletic Death Forest

Advocate of sovereignty and privacy preserving tools. Co-founder of Hodling SA which provides non-custodial hardware based Bitcoin multisignature wallet solutions.
- Mastering Specter-DIY: From Compilation to Bitcoin Transactions

I am a transhumanist and cypherpunk performing scientific, engineering and business activities.
My primary focus is building foundations for the future - foundations, which will unlock the full potential of individuals, enabling self-sovereignty, privacy and censorship-resistance. This is the future of vertical progress and humanity's evolution into forms much outside of what current collectivistic society can propose or allow.
- Cyphernet: Unlocking privacy & empowering self-sovereignty

Terminally online since arpanet.
Dumbest guy in the room.
Speaker, Moderator, Curator, and Eternal Student currently reassessing why we do what we do and for whom.
- Cognitive Dissonance and the chains that bind us

J. Gdanski is the Founder and CEO of Evertas, where he has led Evertas’s technical development and underwriting, as well as secured multiple fund rounds from top investors; he is a security, privacy, and risk expert.
Prior to launching Evertas, he was a leader in the enterprise blockchain space and was one of the first to work on institutional custody for crypto. In this capacity he served as an early, significant contributor to blockchain consortia including R3 and Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, of which he was a founding member. He was an integral part of the first enterprise blockchain RFP and has worked on numerous blockchain-based systems. He was the first dedica
- Privacy is Security

Jarrad came to Bitcoin in early 2011 through agorism, counter-economics & crypto-anarchy, seeing that Bitcoin could operate a monetary policy in a hostile environment, he began to view public blockchains as a voluntary social order, one that didn’t depend on a monopoly of violence. From there he participated in early attempts to generalise the bitcoin script to advance institutional libertarianism, ultimately becoming an early contributor to Ethereum. While Jarrad advances privacy technologies through developing an e2e and p2p private messaging client & super app, Status, he realised that privacy technologies are not enough and now is advocating for self-sovereign crypto-networks, the realisation of a latent cypherpunk dream, the crypto-state.
- Crypto as a Revolutionary Power Centre
- Panel discussion | End of Empire and Rise of the Parallel Society

Jessica Solce's second feature documentary DEATH ATHLETIC is an intimate portrait of Cody Wilson & Defense Distributed's fight with the United States' government. Following her first feature documentary "No Control," Jessica took a deeper dive into the motivations, philosophy and story behind the 1st and 2nd Amendment fight to share privately created code and information online.
- Death Athletic: A Dissident Architecture, Feature Film Screening

Jonathan is a Protocol Developer at Lightning Labs working on the Taproot Assets protocol. He has previously worked on schemes for lossless Bitcoin transaction compression, the Lot49 protocol for offline Lightning channels running on mesh networks, and secure-key-deletion Bitcoin vaults.
- Taproot Assets - Privacy via Taproot and Client-Side Validation

Juraj is a serial entrepreneur and founder of Progressbar, Paralelná Polis, and Hacktrophy. He wrote several books, his latest one being “Cryptocurrencies – hack your way to a better life”. He creates online courses and content about privacy, crypto, and entrepreneurship.
- Welcome to the Dark Forest - a pathway to resistance
- Paralelní Polis decade

Ketominer is a cypherpunk and self-hosting enthusiast known for being the founder of Nodl, that produces Bitcoin and Lightning Network nodes for personal and business use. He is also the founder of Host4Coins, a service that allows users to pay for server hosting services using Bitcoin.
His focus on self-hosting and decentralized technologies reflects his commitment to individual privacy and control over personal data. Through his work with Nodl and Host4Coins, he has helped to advance the cause of decentralized technologies and empower individuals to take control of their digital lives.
- Self host everything

Kris: A techno-optimist on a quest to blend humans and chips seamlessly. Catch me at 'Chipocalypse', where I'll demystify the future of under-skin tech with a touch of humor. Let's embrace the microchip marvel! 🌐🤝⚡
- Enter the World of Hacktivation Hub: Where Innovation and Imagination Collide
- Enter the World of Hacktivation Hub: Where Innovation and Imagination Collide
- Enter the World of Hacktivation Hub: Where Innovation and Imagination Collide

Manel De Aguas is a Catalan cyborg and transpecies artist, activist, producer and performer based in Berlin, best known for developing and installing weather sensory fins in his head. The fins allow him to hear atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity through implants at each side of his head. De Aguas studied contemporary photography and music production in Barcelona and became Cyborg Foundation's artist in residence in 2017. Later, he co-founded the Transpecies Society, an association that gives voice to people who do not identify as being 100% human and raises awareness on the issues they face.
- Ocean of Air

Voluntaryist, programmer, Open Source contributor, co-founder of Paralelná Polis Bratislava.
Co maintainer of rust-bitcoin library. Username "Kixunil" on GitHub.
- Your first Open Source contribution

Martin obtained his legal education at Charles University in Prague and has built a career in the fields of IT security and crypto technology. He is also recognized as a co-founder of Paralelní Polis. His professional journey has deeply influenced his specialization in information security law, smart contracts, blockchain technology, privacy protection, and related areas. Beyond his professional pursuits, Martin's main passion centers around whitewater slalom.
- Paralelní Polis decade

Senior DevRel for Nym, previously a smart contract engineer and writer/researcher. Building demos and tutorials for mixnet application developers.
- Building with Nym: baking-in privacy with the Nym SDKs

Max is an economist, cypherpunk and entrepreneur focusing on the advancement of freedom technologies in cyberspace. He is a contributor to Wasabi Wallet and the CEO of zkSNACKs.
- Integrating WabiSabi CoinJoin to Existing Wallets
- The near term future of anonymous transactions

Michael Schloh von Bennewitz is a computer scientist specializing in cryptosecure electronics and embedded development. He is the founder of Monero Devices and responsible for research, development, and maintenance of Opensource software repositories. A prolific speaker in four languages, Michael presents at technical meetings every year.
- Enter the World of Hacktivation Hub: Where Innovation and Imagination Collide
- Enter the World of Hacktivation Hub: Where Innovation and Imagination Collide
- Enter the World of Hacktivation Hub: Where Innovation and Imagination Collide

Michael is an American social media, e-commerce, and SEO Specialist that has lived in Asia since late 2007. He is a passionate business connector that helps companies do business in China as well as Chinese companies to work in overseas markets. He built the cross border e-commerce community GlobalFromAsia.com. GFA is a platform to help cross border business owners learn, network, make business partnerships, and grow global businesses.
- True Ownership Of Your Name - Freedom Of Ownership

Mitch Altman is an international hacker, inventor, entrepreneur, author, mentor, best known for starting Noisebridge hackerspace and inventing TV-B-Gone, which turns off TVs in public places. He did pioneering work in virtual reality in the mid 1980s and was co-founder of 3ware, a successful Silicon Valley startup in the 1990s. He mentors, teaches soldering, and promotes open hardware and community wherever he goes.
Wikipedia page:
TEDxBrussels talk: "The Hackerspace Movement":
- Enter the World of Hacktivation Hub: Where Innovation and Imagination Collide
- The Future of Our Communities
- Enter the World of Hacktivation Hub: Where Innovation and Imagination Collide
- Enter the World of Hacktivation Hub: Where Innovation and Imagination Collide

ex Protocol engineer at Nomad and currently founding Phylax Systems, a startup in the area of blockchain observability. Passionate about privacy and sovereignty.
- The Sovereign Stack

parazyd is a free software developer, currently working and leading the development efforts on DarkFi and anonymous engineering.
- DarkFi Smart Contracts and Anonymous Engineering

Paul Rosenberg is the author of the Free-Man’s Perspective newsletter and was the co-founder of Cryptohippie. He is also the author of A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, Production Versus Plunder, and The Breaking Dawn. He has been involved with cryptography projects since the 1990s.
- Why Freedom Always Slides Backward

Czech cryptographer with research experience from Denmark, Israel, Italy, and USA working on the theoretical foundations of computing.
- Verifiable delay functions and cryptographic foundations of blockchain

Pavol is a cryptoanarchist & voluntaryists focused on technology and society hacking. IT security guy, founder of IT security hacking companies (Nethemba, Hacktrophy) & contemporary art (Satori). Co-founder of Bratislava’s and Prague’s hackerspaces (Progressbar & PP). Member of Czech contemporary anti-government artistic group Ztohoven. Responsible for many anti-government & digital privacy projects.
- How to leave the system (while staying in one place) - a guide for EU residents
- Panel discussion | End of Empire and Rise of the Parallel Society
- Paralelní Polis decade

With over 20 years of expertise in Free Software and Open Hardware, tech entrepreneur Alexander Poltorak has been involved with the Bitcoin ecosystem since its early days. He has been working as a Bitcoin consultant since 2016. He is an advocate of Libre Software, cryptography and all technologies empowering sovereign individuals and helping preserve the core values of anonymity, privacy, censorship resistance, decentralisation and security.
- Mastering Specter-DIY: From Compilation to Bitcoin Transactions

DarkFi researcher and core dev. editor of crypto philosophy journal Agorism in the 21st Century, various lunarpunk crafts, memetic explorations, writer etc
- Dark Forest Path
- Panel discussion | Dark Athletic Death Forest

Dr. Richard Stallman launched the free software movement in 1983 and started the development of the GNU operating system in 1984. GNU is free software: everyone has the freedom to copy it and redistribute it, with or without changes. The GNU/Linux system, basically the GNU operating system with Linux added, is used on tens of millions of computers today. Stallman has received the ACM Grace Hopper Award and the ACM Software and Systems Award, a MacArthur Foundation fellowship, the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Pioneer Award, and the the Takeda Award for Social/Economic Betterment, as well as many doctorates honoris causa, and has been inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame.
- Panel discussion | The Economics of Free Software
- Free Software and Your Freedom

Ryan discovered the cypherpunks mailing list as a young teenager in the early 1990s, telephoned NSA to order the NCSC Rainbow Series of books, and became a true believer in cryptoanarchy and the power of cryptography to stand up to nation-states and other oppressors. He’s worked on projects and companies involving Chaumian digital cash systems, offshore data havens in the North Sea, seasteading, uncensorable hosting technologies, remote attestation-based tamperproof cloud computing, and now cryptocurrency insurance infrastructure. He is currently the Chief Security Officer of Evertas Insurance and lives in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- The road to freedom and privacy through security and user experience
- Panel discussion | End of Empire and Rise of the Parallel Society

Scott is an inventor, open-source technologist, self-taught engineer, vegan environmental activist, and founder of many projects in the realm of ecologically regenerative systems, horizontal organization, and experiential arts production. In addition to creating ecologically friendly technologies, he’s the Co-founder of the Evil Twin Booking agency representing and doing strategy for Pussy Riot, Boots Riley, Glenn Greenwald, Alex, and Allyson Grey, Vandana Shiva, and other public figures. He was the founder of the seminal 1990s DIY hardcore/punk label Bloodlink Records as well as the founder of the touring Lost Film Festival in the 2000s. He currently serves as a technical and strategic advisor for several decentralization tech projects.
His current projects include Mandelbot, Ecotech, Goostruder, Groucho Fractal, AncientScan, and Ptelepathetique.
- Enter the World of Hacktivation Hub: Where Innovation and Imagination Collide
- Enter the World of Hacktivation Hub: Where Innovation and Imagination Collide
- Enter the World of Hacktivation Hub: Where Innovation and Imagination Collide
- Step into the future and ancient past

Nym - Developer Relations.
History proves that healthy communities need anonymity and privacy to protect themselves and progress freely without fear. To build that, we need to redefine tech, economics and most importantly, our philosophy and practice.
- Securing the Lunarpunks: Nym for the network level privacy

Seth For Privacy is an activist and educator focused on freedom tech, specifically Bitcoin, Monero, and privacy-preserving free and open-source tools.
He is also the Head of Content at Foundation, a company dedicated to bringing freedom tech to the non-technical, without sacrificing the ideals of FOSS, privacy, and use choice. No walled gardens.
- Tornado Cash and Government Desperation
Privacy mobile service operating since 2020
Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero only!
Zero KYC policy, we will not ask you for any information, including your email.
- Can we beat location surveillance on existing mobile networks?
- Mobile Privacy Tips Q&A with silent.link

Silke Noa is an activist lawyer and mathematician with a passion for privacy tech. Silke has advised blockchain projects since 2014 focusing on legal product design that is pragmatic and dispute-resistant. Silke is admitted to practice law in England & Wales, New York and Germany and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
- Resisting the criminalization of the fundamental right to privacy

Tatiana Moroz is an American folk singer-songwriter and a driving force in the cryptocurrency industry.
She unites modern technology & economics with the classic social awareness & influence of songwriters of the 60s and 70s. She is the creator of the TatianaCoin, the first musical artist coin and the alpha for the concept of artist tokens. Her inspiring album “Keep The Faith” was released in 2017 and funded via cryptocurrency. Her latest album “Love Songs for Idiots” was released in March 2023.
A graduate of Berklee College of Music, Tatiana Moroz has been a vocal advocate in the Bitcoin community since 2012. Tatiana performs and speaks at crypto and liberty conferences globally.
- Music, freedom & Bitcoin: a burgeoning revolution whose time has come

The TAM project was initiated as a Parallel Polis internal solution to the centuries-old question: "How do I store my crypto for inheritance?". From the long way to the final thing we landed halfway with an anonymous file-sharing & saving tool that encrypts the digital input and breaks it down to Shamir secrets. Based on community needs to anonymously save and share files and digital data of importance but in a simple-to-use manner.
- Decentralized File Storage based on Shamir

Webmaster by day, curious chipmaster and biohacker by night. Currently running a company providing cyborg augmentations for Czech audience and occasionally dabling with security and artificial inteligence.
- Enter the World of Hacktivation Hub: Where Innovation and Imagination Collide
- Enter the World of Hacktivation Hub: Where Innovation and Imagination Collide
- Enter the World of Hacktivation Hub: Where Innovation and Imagination Collide

While studying finance in university I came in contact with yoga. Now I am understanding the world through the perspective of Austrian school of economics, Bitcoin and choiceless awareness.
- Buying Bitcoin P2P

Travin Keith is a freedom maximalist and, though initially unwantedly due to numerous immigration problems for over a decade as highlighted in his talk at HCPP19, flag theory connoisseur. His experiences from living in 8 countries across 4 continents, while working in various capacities for multiple companies and organizations in up to 11 countries at varying points in time, have led to aspects around flag theory to become second nature. Though these projects have largely focused around tech and fintech, he recently got more involved in the travel and food industry.
- Tricks and Tools of Freedom and Resistance

Dr Victoria Collette Jones is an award-winning dentist, who has worked in the UK dental industry for over twenty years. Her experience with Bitcoin came in 2016 when she introduced Bitcoin as a payment method to her business. Victoria now works as a Bitcoin Advocate, supporting individuals and businesses that are similarly interested in adopting Bitcoin as a payment method. Through her newsletters and talks, she shares what she knows about finance, history and politics to support the adoption of Bitcoin. She published her first book ‘Truth Decay - How Bitcoin Fixes This, Unveiling The Path To Financial Freedom’ in March 2020. You can learn more about her and her work at www.SatoshisPage.com
- CBDC's - A Dystopian Future?

Vit Jedlicka studied Political Science and Economy. On April 13 2015, he founded the Free Republic of Liberland and was elected its President. Liberland has 730 000 people who applied for citizenship. He has spoken at numerous conferences and has been interviewed in major media channels.
- Liberland Settlement Under Attack: Perseverance, Progress, and the Path Forward
My work centers on how to make a more resilient web. To that end, I've worked on projects ranging from internet-wide measurement to privacy-protecting messaging systems. I currently work on privacy and data transfer protocols at Protocol Labs.
I've been a ski instructor, relocated to Germany, speak some Chinese, and enjoy playing with fire. I taught computer science in pyongyang.
- Robust data dissemination with IPFS